Thursday, February 26, 2009

life changing event

The day my sister was born changed my life it felt like a big huge tornado had past by. It was like the worst thing ever. When I was born I was the only child from all the family so I was spoiled but when my sister came every thing changed because since that day they dint pay allot of attention to me. People and family members would go visit and usually they would go with a little gift for me and yeah they did came in with big gift I thought it was my birthday but not it wasn’t for me. I was really joules because all I could here is the new baby that made me so mad. I just to bite my sister and throw her toys. And when the baby cried my mom would run to see and when I call her she would be like wait im washing the bottles or im putting the baby to sleep so shut up your going to wake up the baby or things like that.

But that was not the worst part when we got older she just to blame every thing on me and since she was little they would believe her. When she was born I was like two so I was the baby for two years and when she was born she was the baby for five years so she had more time of being the baby witch it was not good. They would of buy her more stuff like pampers and milk but back then I dint understood that it was things she needed I thought that it was because they loved her more. But as we get older and older it gets worse for example now at this age we fight allot I mean allot even for the smallest thing we make it into big deal like if she wears my clothes I scream at her or if I were her clothes she makes me do some thing for her and if I don’t do it she gets me back with some thing else. Its just horrible or if not she tells me that she is going to tell my mom something ive done bad before so I could get in trouble. I do it to and more then her. Or when my mom calls me and tells me to go throw out the trash I tell my sis my mom called and said for you to go throw it out and she believes me.

Another thing is that when we make a mess we blame it on each other. But to me she is the biggest night mare any one could ever think of. She is not a normal person she is some kind of alien that came from space. Because she right now she is happy and next thing you know she is mad. And when she is mad she looks like an oger. And I have to deal with her all day and all she does is complain. I think that is the only thing that she actually knows how to do. One thing that I actuctually like about her is that I could be laying down with the house a mess and she would scream allot but she would clean it because she hates the house to be dirty and she does all the work that is really great =). But she is really bossy. And has a bad attitude with every one. And when she gets mad she shuts the door in my face.

And when she does some thing bad she laugh. She think she’s funny like a clown but no she looks like a one. I do love to have a sister because we cover up for each other and I will tell her ooh no don’t do that and I would expect her to listen but no she don’t care she would do it on purpose so I could get mad and she would tell me oooh your not my mom and that gets me mad because im just trying to help her. That y I wish I was the youngest one but im the oldest. She is more of a trouble makers and she’s proud of it. I think that is all I can say about the monster named Valerie. Ooh one more thing she hides my things so I cant find them and then she wears them.And that is why my sister made the biggest change of my life if not I woudelnt have to share or fight with no one and be really spoiled well not really because I have another 6 year old sister. But either way I would get what I want.

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