Tuesday, February 10, 2009

her smile

When I looked at her smile I knew she was up to something. So then I went to the kitchen and saw her talking in a sneaky way but I couldent figure out what. Then I tried to look for more clues that were weird and suspicius. After that out of the no were she just raned out and came back with the same smile. I got worried I thought she was crazy. We went to sleep and the next day she was up really early when she usually wakes up late. I looked for her but she wasent their and her piggy bank that had lots of money was now empty. I didnt know what to do I said to myself " should I ask her what going on or shouldnt I?" But if I did I would let her know that she is beign suspicius and she will stop doing it and I wont find out whats really going on. But what worried me the most was that she kept going out and in with out telling me were she was going and she always asked me that if I could of go with her because she didnt liked to go out alone. And the money in her piggy bank was still not their she had run out with it but never came back with nothing I thought she probably let her friend borrow it. But wait her friends were out that week and were going to come back a day before my birthday so that was inposable. I told my mom what was going on she smiled the same way and gave my sister and envelope with the money that she had gotten from her check and told her "get what you need" and winked at her. Now I was really scared because every thing wasent normal. And I got mad bacuse my mom wouldent tell me nothing she told me"she is just a girl" I told her I know but she is my sister and im worried and that when she told me dont worrie she is probably just fooling around but I know she wasent because when I talked to her she would get really nervous like if she did some thing wrong and was scared for me to catch her. When she was going to bed I asked her what did you do i am not going to tell mom she just told me nothing and im sleppy so I left her alone and turned of her lights. When her friends came back I told her go visit them and asked them how it was sence she didnt went and she told me I dont have time for that. So I fuigured out that she was mad at her friends. But I was also sad because she did not had no more friends well atleast thats what I thought. I was also sad because the next day was my birthday and my sister was not going to feel good to spent the day together like every other year. So she told me today you have to go with our cusen and sleep over because tomorrow is your birthday and their going to take you shoping and out to eat as your birthday gift. I told her and what about you she stood quiet when mom said she is staying here with me dont worry I said well can I take her with me my sister said no because she dint felt good. This time I was really really scared because I thought that my mom dint wanted to worry me that she was going to take her to the hospital and that why she wanted to get ried of me. So the next day mom went to my room took me breakfest and told me to get ready and happy birth day. I asked her and my sister she is not going to come and tell me happy birthday she told me yea she will but right now she is reasting and she put a serius face, I told her mom what is wrong with her she stood quiet and looked down she told me go with your ants and cusen and ill explain you every thing when you come back I said ok. Even do I knew that this would be the worst birth day ever. 15 minues later I heard a car beaping mom scream there here I said I am coming. Then I opened my sister room and said bye she just smile and jumped out of bed took a shower and got ready then she raned to get her bike out will we were driving out of the garage. When I came back I thought I dint wanted to open the door I had a really bad feeling that what was my mom going to tell me would be a bad news. When I took a step foward I saw the light of and all the parking spaces were full but then one car I dint see was my mom so I thought their would be no on home but the door was open with no lock. Why would she live it open if she kows that I have the keys?. So I came in and said im home no one answered back then I here something fall I got scared I thought I was being hunted when I here "surprice" I turned back and their was alot of people that were hiding I was shoked and smile when my mom told me its all thanks to your sister. I saw her friends playing and got happy. But I still wondered why was my sister acting like that. When all the guest left my mom told me that every day she got up early to go buy stuff for the party and she sad that she tried to do it early so I wouldent see her when she came back with stuff. She aslo dint had no more money in the piggy bank because with that she bouth the decorations. And that every time I talked to her she got nervous that she was going to ruend the surprice party. And she was to bussy planing every thing calling people in a saneky way so I wouldent hear her then to be with her friends. I said that explains every thing and smile because it was the best birth day ever and all thanks to my sister and that was the best birth day present any one could of ever gaved me.

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