Thursday, February 19, 2009

A skill every one needs

A skill that every one need is to know math like count, multiply, divide, add, and subtract basically the most basic things. With out math you would be lost out their noying that you have bills in your hand but not know how much their worth for. Or when you go to the store and they give you the wrong change. How would you know how much your suppose to get back? Or even if you work and the boss give you less money as your payment. Every one would think its fun to trick you because you don’t know math and you wont find a job very easily because mostly every thing needs to do with math but to go clean bathrooms.

What I mean by that you may have bills in your hand but not know how much their worth for is that like if you got three singles and to for five you wont know how much it is because you don’t know how to add. You just wont know if you have enough for the bus or train or to buy your lung because you don’t know exactly how much money you got in your pockets. I would feel embarrassed knowing that I have money but not how much and what can I do with them. People would think your stupid. Probably you will go to the store and take anything you want only with a dollar and it will be so embarrassing that you hold back the line just to count and make sure like 50 times.

Or if you go to the store and give a twenty dollar bill and it was only three and give you to dollars back you wont know how much It is. People will still from you and you wont complain about it or nothing. And probably the change that was yours they put it on their pockets and no one will no about it specially if their does little stores that have no cameras only few rows with things. And all you do is walk away thinking that you have the right change. And people will laugh at you for not knowing how to count money or things Imagine you give out 100 dollars just to buy a pack of gum they will charge you like 75 and give back 20. I wouldn't do that to nobody specially if there old and can burly even walk.

Even if you work and when it is pay day your boss give you less or at lest half of what he is suppose to pay you. He wont fire you because you get half less then other workers but work the same or twice more. That is mean because your salary wont be the same as others and your just getting ripped of with out you having any idea of what is going on. The worst thing will be if you cant get a job and only as a cashier but they don’t accepted you for not knowing math or in a bank counting money and then you wont have enough to pay the rent or to buy things that you need for your house like decoration or food for your lunch. And each time they will pay you less. And then they could kick you out of your house or you will be hungry.

These were my reason why knowing math is important to know how to do. They were because you wont know how much money you have or in the store they wont give you the right change and your boss may pay you less then what you are suppose to get pay for your salary. That is why I think people should know how to count and add every thing that has to do with math. Or at least carry a calculator with you to do the adding for you and that is only if you know your numbers. It is sad to know that as you walk in the streets people recognize you by knowing that they could ripe you of or that you don't know math and they take advantage of you and you would be their favorite costumer.

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