Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

Parents are the best teachers in many reason for example who could ever teach you better then your parents?Your parents could teach you what is the best for life. Like every thing that you are going to go throw just to prepare you.They will teach you the errors they made so your wont make the same mistakes and learn from them. Who better then that could teach you because they wont lie to you.Your parents are the once that are going to be their for you in every thing and if they went throw the same thing they will understand you and their teaching you that no matter what their always beside you. Parents are the best example ever because you will see up to what point they got to you will learn from their mistakes.

Your parents are the once that are preparing you for life.When you were little your parents teach you how to do every thing alone like your first word or your first step with out them you probably couldn't do anything of does stuff. They will also have patient into you get the hang of things like how eat by your self even if you make a mess or get dirty but all they want is for you to learn something that you need to know in life.So they by you things like supplies for school and that way you can be prepared to learn and do your work. Parents are the once that prepare you to do different kinds of things. They get you shoes for gym and things like that.

I think that with out them we would not be nothing so we should thank our parents for all the hard work. Your parents will tell you the mistakes they made in life and what was the consequence and that way you could learn from them. I don’t think that no one better then that could ever teach you because your parents wont lie to you.The mistakes that your parents may have done you might learn form them.You make things in a better or different way by making things different from them.They wont let you fall for the same things that they did.I don’t think that no one else will want to guide you to the right direction.Parents will always be their for you no matter what and that is a good example to learn from.when you commit a mistake your parents will always be their for you to help you out and to fix that mistakes.
And if they want throw the same things you are on they will understand you and help you the most they can.Its like when you first start to eat by your self you make the mess but then your parents clean it up. But once your old you know that your responsible for what you did.Parents will always want the best for you.

Conclusion: Parents are the best teachers and I have three reasons why for example they teach you what is good and what is wrong. They also prepare you. And are always there for you and help you not to make the same mistakes as they did. I think that parents earn respect because it is not a easy job to do.

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