Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousans words

It was a very sunny day that the sun woke me up and I knew it was time to help my dad Omar in the farm. But their was not much to do well feeding the animals was imposable we do not have much food to feed them and I always felt sad about it. We sometimes don't have food to feed our self so every day we have to have some left overs for the next day. So all I did was clean up with my dad I love to help him because I wanted to be like him. While me and my brother Armando were helping my dad my mom Sandra was cooking and my sister Jasmin was helping her and so was my grandma Alma. I was really hungry sense we did not had nothing last night my tummy hurted. I heard my mom shout out dinner time I raned inside and tripped I did hurt my knee I was wishing for it to not get infected. Every time I got hurt my mom would grave a piece of clothing and put alchol but this time I was hungry that I did not even care.

When we sat down I knew that we could of only grave a little piece and save some for my dad. He was still hard working. He raised our pigs and, the horse, chicken's, roosters, cows, sheep's and then he soled them and we also eat them. I washed my hands ans sat down we all eat but I still wanted more. My sister always cared about the animals she cut half of her food and gaved it to the horse my mom did the same thing. While the dog begged for food I did not know what to do or how to help my family we all wanted a better life everything we had was not enough. When my grandma was sick we did not had enough money for the medicine and that's what got me sad. I always imagine how life would of being if we had what we needed but like daddy said we have one another and were going to work hard to feed the family.He always cheered me up and made me feel better. And everything I had I was proud of it because we got it from working.

My grandma was cutting the delicious bread. But it was hard because we had it for three days and that's what we had to eat. My mom made two pies but we had to safe one for the next day. It was going to be hard by then. While I was siting at the table we could of here the dog crying and the birds singing but besides that every thing was quiet. My brother Armando always had more food. And I did not think that was fair it was probably because he was. They trieded me more like a slaves even do I was smaller I had to work more. I did not complained about it but why me? That night I found out that I was only their god brother and my real mom had died of an infection. But after all the hard work they made me do I was proud to call them my parents..


  1. i really liked your story and you had me in it !! I liked that sentence at the end**

    ** I think you should fix some of your spelling errors because you spell the world right but the defenition is different


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. nic3 st0ry dalia but y3a y0u hav3 misp3ll w0rdsz =]


  5. wow ur funny iam da grandma do i seem that od to you well i like the story
