Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make Logandale better

People could make Logandale a better school in different ways. Logandale is not that bad to say but it could be better then it is. By changing few things that kids don't like could attracted more student. For example they could tell their friends from other schools what is going on and they would like to move in a school that sounds more fun and better.

One thing that would make Logandale a better school would be more activities. Like more sports or any kinds of things like that. What I mean by that is like have a big field with a lot or courts to play basket ball or soccer. Kids would go crazy if they see that they have a lot of room to play. And in the summer kids need their exercise and that would be very helpful also have kids inside all day. They should take away 5 minutes from every one's class to be outside. We should also have a nice garden and all the kids could plant and discover new plants and animals that would be so much fun.

Another thing that would make students want to come to Logandale would be better lunch. Some kids get tired of eating the same things over and over. That makes us want to throw up and its discus ting. They also give us milk with food that is so nasty but you don't got any other way or at longest you by the juices that they sell but some kids don't have enough money or cant afford it. To make that better we should change the menu and get new food. They should also sell anything that kids would like. For example a machine that sells sodas or more type of juices. And in the Summer we should eat outside like if it was a picnic.

The last thing that I would like for Logandale to change the rule that they be so picky on the uniform. Like if you wear something that is not bad they still make you wear some ugly shirts. Then they don't let you wear any mixed colors because we could get in danger if were in school there is no need to worry. But they said that outside the school we could either way we could change outside the school and wear those colors that is why it don't make sense to me. They could at least let us wear any color.

These are the changes that they should fix or change to attacked more students because if not their going to loose students because its boring. I know that were supposed to study but we could do that and have at least some time of fun and that way kids when they go outside they would take out all their energy and be ready to learn in other classes. And that would dis tracked them allot. And focus better on the next class.

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