Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mysterious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. It was January 20, 2009 when it was Jenifer and her husband Omar anniversary. They had made five years but everyone new that in those five years they did not had a good marriage. They always fought as so the neighbors had told. Jenifer and her husband Omar had 3 kids Janely, Mary and Erik. They had the age of 10,7 and 3. They were not very happy kids after all the only thing that they did after school was play in their backyard but they only had one old squeaky swing.

The kids had their own counselor because they would not talk to no one. When you looked at them they looked like if they wanted to tell you something but they couldn't. The neighbors had thought of that as suspicious and weird. And the mom almost never went outside. It was mostly her husband Omar that worked and went out. And old lady that lived next door had seen him get out of his truck with flowers. He always just to hit his wife in front of his kids. Why flowers now?

The that day was their anniversary so I thought that was probably the case why the flowers were for. The old lady said that after she had seen him 20 minutes later some one knocked at her door and she did not know who it was because no one came to visit her. When she opened she saw Omar and Jenifer she said what happen the wife never said nothing it was the husband that did all the talking. He had asked her take care o their kids for less then a week because they were going out. She said sure after all does kids did not looked like trouble makers and probably that trip would help out their marriage.

Omar got his truck ready and had a blanket with allot of types of knife why did he need them for?

The wife did not wanted to get inside the truck. And the old lady could of seen her looking back trying to tell her something. After that she did not know what happen. That day at 8:11 some one had made a call to 911 and said nothing absolutely nothing we could of only hear whispers. They did not know were the call came from. More then one week passed and the lady still had no news about the kids parents so she called the police and they send me to investigate the case.

In my car I went all around searching to ask people if they seen them but no they did not. While I was putting all the pieces in a big puzzle a thought I should check around tomorrow again. And so I did I left out of my house at six in the morning and at nine I found a woman's body in between the trees. I called out for more help. When my other helpers arrived we found the lady she looked death from back their and when we got close to her she like beat up. I asked my helpers how long does she look like she has been dead for they said more then a week. I asked my self a question is this the kids mom?

We did not know who the lady was. That lady had a purse by her side and with nothing in it only few pens a lip gloss. The lady had a note in her for head it said this was a very special woman but she did not follow my directions and look at what happen to her. We all got scared but at least we had a clue saying that she was murder. We were getting closer and closer to find out who that lady was and how she died. But this time I really thought that it was does kids mom. She had long black hair and really black shiny eyes, she also was not dark. Just liked that lady had describe her to me.

The next day we receive a phone call from the lady saying that the kids parents had apeird. That was good for one part but then who was that other lady? Why did she had a note in her for head? And how was she killed? It was all mysterious. But what really creiped me out was that the dead lady looked just like the kids mom. I thought that it was her because of a picture we had. The old lady said that when they came to pick up the kids only the dad came and she really did not see if the mom was home because she never went outside. And that was really mysterious. We found out that Omar had killed her because she refused to getting the car. It was so sad and the kids end up going for adoption and the dad was in jail it was good that the mystery was solved at all.

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