Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousans words

It was a very sunny day that the sun woke me up and I knew it was time to help my dad Omar in the farm. But their was not much to do well feeding the animals was imposable we do not have much food to feed them and I always felt sad about it. We sometimes don't have food to feed our self so every day we have to have some left overs for the next day. So all I did was clean up with my dad I love to help him because I wanted to be like him. While me and my brother Armando were helping my dad my mom Sandra was cooking and my sister Jasmin was helping her and so was my grandma Alma. I was really hungry sense we did not had nothing last night my tummy hurted. I heard my mom shout out dinner time I raned inside and tripped I did hurt my knee I was wishing for it to not get infected. Every time I got hurt my mom would grave a piece of clothing and put alchol but this time I was hungry that I did not even care.

When we sat down I knew that we could of only grave a little piece and save some for my dad. He was still hard working. He raised our pigs and, the horse, chicken's, roosters, cows, sheep's and then he soled them and we also eat them. I washed my hands ans sat down we all eat but I still wanted more. My sister always cared about the animals she cut half of her food and gaved it to the horse my mom did the same thing. While the dog begged for food I did not know what to do or how to help my family we all wanted a better life everything we had was not enough. When my grandma was sick we did not had enough money for the medicine and that's what got me sad. I always imagine how life would of being if we had what we needed but like daddy said we have one another and were going to work hard to feed the family.He always cheered me up and made me feel better. And everything I had I was proud of it because we got it from working.

My grandma was cutting the delicious bread. But it was hard because we had it for three days and that's what we had to eat. My mom made two pies but we had to safe one for the next day. It was going to be hard by then. While I was siting at the table we could of here the dog crying and the birds singing but besides that every thing was quiet. My brother Armando always had more food. And I did not think that was fair it was probably because he was. They trieded me more like a slaves even do I was smaller I had to work more. I did not complained about it but why me? That night I found out that I was only their god brother and my real mom had died of an infection. But after all the hard work they made me do I was proud to call them my parents..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

pet peeves

1. When they make me clean my room
2. When people slam there books on the floor
3. I don't like when people go throw my private stuffs
4. Another thing is when people do any kind of noise with their nails
5. When my mom makes me go to the store for her
6. When my sister makes me get up in the morning
7. And when I go to the store and they don't got my favorite kind of candy
8. Specially when they make me walk for nothing
9. When people rub things in my face
10.And when people get in other people business
11.When people don't admit things
12.Or when people cry for attention
13.And when people make me do things more then once
14.It gets me mad when people bug me to much
15.And when I have to help my little sister with her homework
16.Or when a baby cries
17.And when people give me the worst excuse for something
18. What gets me mad is when I have to go to school and its raining
19.I hate when theres no more cheese for the nachos
20.I don't like when I have to go get shots
21. And the worst thing that I hate is when people know they need help but when I want to helped them they get mad
22.And when people think then better then others
23.And when people annoy me on purpose
24.When people try to acted hard
25.And when people borrow things and when they give it back there all destroyed

Monday, March 23, 2009

the secret

It was my best friends deepest dark secret and it would be hard to keep. It all started one day when I was in class and my best friend Gloria passed me a note it said " I need to tell you something its a secret lets go get a ice cream after school" I did right back I told her that it was fine. When my last class finish I went to look for her at her locker and got her books.
Gloria: SO are we going to get an ice cream? I said yes sure lets go as we were walking I saw a weird expression on her face it looked like she was up to something but at the same time she was nervous and scared . I asked her what wrong with you she said that it was part of the secret and that she was going to tell me in the ice cream store.

When we got their I order a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles on it she order a milk shake. When we sat down to eat the Delicious ice cream she told me that she had to tell me some thing and I said go on tell me. I did not expected it to be bad when she told me that she lost a bet and she had to put a house on fire and it was a secret because after she put it on fire no one was going to know it was her.
Gloria: you could not say nothing because I am going to be in really big trouble and I am trusting you please don't say nothing.

I did not know what to tell her but she was going to put other people on risk to. She did trust me but I just couldn't do that to her it was wrong but it would be bad if I did not tell no one either. It would be like if I was participating on it to by not saying the true. Gloria: Thank you listening to me your the best friend ever. At that time I felt bad to be trait her. As I was walking home I couldn't stop thinking about it. Before I went to sleep I had a call and it was her to thank me again but I asked her what about if you don't do it Gloria : said they said that they would do something very bad and surprising to me and now I am scared. I told her to don't do it that they would probably be just lien. Gloria: theirs was no way back I cant do nothing about it.

I did got scared and all I thought was a way to stop her from hearting some one. I decided to go up to the people that dared her and I told them that if they touch her or some one around her or do something to hurt her they would be in bigger trouble. The next day I told my friend what had happened and I told her that they were not going to touch her and we decided to tell the principle to be more protective and he made sure no one would touch her. Gloria: Thank you I am sure that telling you was the best idea and that is why your my best friend. I felt proud that no one was hurt but at the beginning I wasn't sure of keeping the secret but I am glad I dint.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mysterious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. It was January 20, 2009 when it was Jenifer and her husband Omar anniversary. They had made five years but everyone new that in those five years they did not had a good marriage. They always fought as so the neighbors had told. Jenifer and her husband Omar had 3 kids Janely, Mary and Erik. They had the age of 10,7 and 3. They were not very happy kids after all the only thing that they did after school was play in their backyard but they only had one old squeaky swing.

The kids had their own counselor because they would not talk to no one. When you looked at them they looked like if they wanted to tell you something but they couldn't. The neighbors had thought of that as suspicious and weird. And the mom almost never went outside. It was mostly her husband Omar that worked and went out. And old lady that lived next door had seen him get out of his truck with flowers. He always just to hit his wife in front of his kids. Why flowers now?

The that day was their anniversary so I thought that was probably the case why the flowers were for. The old lady said that after she had seen him 20 minutes later some one knocked at her door and she did not know who it was because no one came to visit her. When she opened she saw Omar and Jenifer she said what happen the wife never said nothing it was the husband that did all the talking. He had asked her take care o their kids for less then a week because they were going out. She said sure after all does kids did not looked like trouble makers and probably that trip would help out their marriage.

Omar got his truck ready and had a blanket with allot of types of knife why did he need them for?

The wife did not wanted to get inside the truck. And the old lady could of seen her looking back trying to tell her something. After that she did not know what happen. That day at 8:11 some one had made a call to 911 and said nothing absolutely nothing we could of only hear whispers. They did not know were the call came from. More then one week passed and the lady still had no news about the kids parents so she called the police and they send me to investigate the case.

In my car I went all around searching to ask people if they seen them but no they did not. While I was putting all the pieces in a big puzzle a thought I should check around tomorrow again. And so I did I left out of my house at six in the morning and at nine I found a woman's body in between the trees. I called out for more help. When my other helpers arrived we found the lady she looked death from back their and when we got close to her she like beat up. I asked my helpers how long does she look like she has been dead for they said more then a week. I asked my self a question is this the kids mom?

We did not know who the lady was. That lady had a purse by her side and with nothing in it only few pens a lip gloss. The lady had a note in her for head it said this was a very special woman but she did not follow my directions and look at what happen to her. We all got scared but at least we had a clue saying that she was murder. We were getting closer and closer to find out who that lady was and how she died. But this time I really thought that it was does kids mom. She had long black hair and really black shiny eyes, she also was not dark. Just liked that lady had describe her to me.

The next day we receive a phone call from the lady saying that the kids parents had apeird. That was good for one part but then who was that other lady? Why did she had a note in her for head? And how was she killed? It was all mysterious. But what really creiped me out was that the dead lady looked just like the kids mom. I thought that it was her because of a picture we had. The old lady said that when they came to pick up the kids only the dad came and she really did not see if the mom was home because she never went outside. And that was really mysterious. We found out that Omar had killed her because she refused to getting the car. It was so sad and the kids end up going for adoption and the dad was in jail it was good that the mystery was solved at all.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make Logandale better

People could make Logandale a better school in different ways. Logandale is not that bad to say but it could be better then it is. By changing few things that kids don't like could attracted more student. For example they could tell their friends from other schools what is going on and they would like to move in a school that sounds more fun and better.

One thing that would make Logandale a better school would be more activities. Like more sports or any kinds of things like that. What I mean by that is like have a big field with a lot or courts to play basket ball or soccer. Kids would go crazy if they see that they have a lot of room to play. And in the summer kids need their exercise and that would be very helpful also have kids inside all day. They should take away 5 minutes from every one's class to be outside. We should also have a nice garden and all the kids could plant and discover new plants and animals that would be so much fun.

Another thing that would make students want to come to Logandale would be better lunch. Some kids get tired of eating the same things over and over. That makes us want to throw up and its discus ting. They also give us milk with food that is so nasty but you don't got any other way or at longest you by the juices that they sell but some kids don't have enough money or cant afford it. To make that better we should change the menu and get new food. They should also sell anything that kids would like. For example a machine that sells sodas or more type of juices. And in the Summer we should eat outside like if it was a picnic.

The last thing that I would like for Logandale to change the rule that they be so picky on the uniform. Like if you wear something that is not bad they still make you wear some ugly shirts. Then they don't let you wear any mixed colors because we could get in danger if were in school there is no need to worry. But they said that outside the school we could either way we could change outside the school and wear those colors that is why it don't make sense to me. They could at least let us wear any color.

These are the changes that they should fix or change to attacked more students because if not their going to loose students because its boring. I know that were supposed to study but we could do that and have at least some time of fun and that way kids when they go outside they would take out all their energy and be ready to learn in other classes. And that would dis tracked them allot. And focus better on the next class.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dalia Arevalo life story

The day 11-21-94 was like an americle that was the day my daughter Dalia was born. Since that day I have been so happy till now. I am very glad that I gave birth and that now she is my daughter. Dalia is the oldest one from another two theirs three in total. The day I found out I was pregnant a big smile came to my face because I knew she would be special in every way. But the best part was when I first heard her cry that was when she first came out. I knew that I would never be disappointed of having her. When we took Dalia back home every one wanted to carry her because she was the only grand daughter and niece. She was the only baby that had been in all the family so every one went crazy.

When she got to be one year old we did a big party to celebrate her birth day. Since she was the only one. That age was like very special because that is when she said her first word and started to walk and even eat by her self. Since that day I knew she wasn't a baby she was little but know she new how to do things on her own. It was kind of sad because I wanted Dalia to be a baby but I was happy that my daughter did not needed my help as much. And I knew she was growing really fast. When she knew how to walk she just to hide things from us and she went crazy runing around distroying the place. That just how she had fun.

When she was two years old She knew how to speak perfect and did not needed no help from me at all she did not like it when I halped her she thought she could of do things on her own. That made me proud that she learned her the first steps in life. And that is when I decided that she needed another sister. At this age we moved to Chicago but I was already pregnet. I did not wanted to tell her into we got their. When we gaved her the big news she did not liked it at all because she was very spoiled by every one because she was the only one. When I finish telling her she starded to cry I felt sad but I knew that she would need another sister or brother around her age so they could of always be together every were.

Once she was three her sister was already born she got very jeulos and did to wanted to eat. She just to cry alot and I couldent pay to much attention to her because I would always be ither feading the other baby or changing her diper. So I had to sign her in to a daycare. She thought that I was trying to get ride of her or something. And she just to not like the baby. Dalia would throw toys at the crib to hit her or put her blanket to move her closer and try to bit her. She turned very evil but I did not blamed her she was just jeulos.

Once se was four years old her sister was like two or about to turn two. Thats when they starded to play with each other and got more along. But she just to get mad because all the litle one did was throw the toys and Dalia just to cry because the other did not know how to play. And then every thing she had they had to share and the pissed her of all the time. And what made her more angry was that when we went to the store nd she would of get a toy we made her put it back because we needed to buy diapers.

Now that she was five she did whent to school and she was not like other kids that cry for evey thing she would of understand when you told her to stop. She was not much of and trouble maker to say. She was always shy and quiet and very nice to every one like if she had a last piece of gum she would give it away even if she did not had some enough for her. She rather see other people happy even if they did not apreciated but that is just how she was.

When she was six she just to take care of her sister alot she just to defend her from every one and she did not let no one scream at her sister she would cry if you blamed something on her sister she did not liked that. She was never a trouble maker she was always very calm and never got any bad news of her behaivier.

When She was nine we moved to texas. It was better the schools were better the weather ws better and the place was better I knew that they were going to have fun their. And so they did but me and her dad got in an big argument and the next day we moved back in to Chicago they did not had time to say good bey to their friends or anything. Dalia was sad and by then I had another baby it was a girl again. And once we got to Chicago they moved in to Avondale for fourth grade.

When she turned 10 or 11 she was alreay in fixth grade and thats when we decided to stay in that school sence we lived close to their. She lowerd her grades when we moved but it was probably because all that was going on. She wasent the same for few years intil I got back with her dad.

Then when she was like 12 she came to Logandale and started sixth grade. She was very nice like she would never get yelled at by a teacher and every teacher told me that she was a very good student and that she was a plesure to have in class. I was proud of really proud of her because she was doing well.

When she was 13 She was in seventh grade and she knew people and friends more. Dalia loved to help people. But she is really shy and quiet like a lot i do not know why she was like that. And when kids do something to her she would stay quiet just so that does kids wont get in trouble. She do not like to see people having any trouble because she would run to help that person no matter who it is she is very help full.

Now she is 14 and she is still the same way but now she is in eight grade. And she is getting ready to go to high school. But she fights a lot with her sister over clothes or anything. This year hopefully she graduated from the eight grade and I would be so proud of her. Dalia is a very nice person and theirs is no dough about that. And I am proud that she is my daughter.