1. When they make me clean my room
2. When people slam there books on the floor
3. I don't like when people go throw my private stuffs
4. Another thing is when people do any kind of noise with their nails
5. When my mom makes me go to the store for her
6. When my sister makes me get up in the morning
7. And when I go to the store and they don't got my favorite kind of candy
8. Specially when they make me walk for nothing
9. When people rub things in my face
10.And when people get in other people business
11.When people don't admit things
12.Or when people cry for attention
13.And when people make me do things more then once
14.It gets me mad when people bug me to much
15.And when I have to help my little sister with her homework
16.Or when a baby cries
17.And when people give me the worst excuse for something
18. What gets me mad is when I have to go to school and its raining
19.I hate when theres no more cheese for the nachos
20.I don't like when I have to go get shots
21. And the worst thing that I hate is when people know they need help but when I want to helped them they get mad
22.And when people think then better then others
23.And when people annoy me on purpose
24.When people try to acted hard
25.And when people borrow things and when they give it back there all destroyed