Thursday, February 26, 2009

life changing event

The day my sister was born changed my life it felt like a big huge tornado had past by. It was like the worst thing ever. When I was born I was the only child from all the family so I was spoiled but when my sister came every thing changed because since that day they dint pay allot of attention to me. People and family members would go visit and usually they would go with a little gift for me and yeah they did came in with big gift I thought it was my birthday but not it wasn’t for me. I was really joules because all I could here is the new baby that made me so mad. I just to bite my sister and throw her toys. And when the baby cried my mom would run to see and when I call her she would be like wait im washing the bottles or im putting the baby to sleep so shut up your going to wake up the baby or things like that.

But that was not the worst part when we got older she just to blame every thing on me and since she was little they would believe her. When she was born I was like two so I was the baby for two years and when she was born she was the baby for five years so she had more time of being the baby witch it was not good. They would of buy her more stuff like pampers and milk but back then I dint understood that it was things she needed I thought that it was because they loved her more. But as we get older and older it gets worse for example now at this age we fight allot I mean allot even for the smallest thing we make it into big deal like if she wears my clothes I scream at her or if I were her clothes she makes me do some thing for her and if I don’t do it she gets me back with some thing else. Its just horrible or if not she tells me that she is going to tell my mom something ive done bad before so I could get in trouble. I do it to and more then her. Or when my mom calls me and tells me to go throw out the trash I tell my sis my mom called and said for you to go throw it out and she believes me.

Another thing is that when we make a mess we blame it on each other. But to me she is the biggest night mare any one could ever think of. She is not a normal person she is some kind of alien that came from space. Because she right now she is happy and next thing you know she is mad. And when she is mad she looks like an oger. And I have to deal with her all day and all she does is complain. I think that is the only thing that she actually knows how to do. One thing that I actuctually like about her is that I could be laying down with the house a mess and she would scream allot but she would clean it because she hates the house to be dirty and she does all the work that is really great =). But she is really bossy. And has a bad attitude with every one. And when she gets mad she shuts the door in my face.

And when she does some thing bad she laugh. She think she’s funny like a clown but no she looks like a one. I do love to have a sister because we cover up for each other and I will tell her ooh no don’t do that and I would expect her to listen but no she don’t care she would do it on purpose so I could get mad and she would tell me oooh your not my mom and that gets me mad because im just trying to help her. That y I wish I was the youngest one but im the oldest. She is more of a trouble makers and she’s proud of it. I think that is all I can say about the monster named Valerie. Ooh one more thing she hides my things so I cant find them and then she wears them.And that is why my sister made the biggest change of my life if not I woudelnt have to share or fight with no one and be really spoiled well not really because I have another 6 year old sister. But either way I would get what I want.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

Parents are the best teachers in many reason for example who could ever teach you better then your parents?Your parents could teach you what is the best for life. Like every thing that you are going to go throw just to prepare you.They will teach you the errors they made so your wont make the same mistakes and learn from them. Who better then that could teach you because they wont lie to you.Your parents are the once that are going to be their for you in every thing and if they went throw the same thing they will understand you and their teaching you that no matter what their always beside you. Parents are the best example ever because you will see up to what point they got to you will learn from their mistakes.

Your parents are the once that are preparing you for life.When you were little your parents teach you how to do every thing alone like your first word or your first step with out them you probably couldn't do anything of does stuff. They will also have patient into you get the hang of things like how eat by your self even if you make a mess or get dirty but all they want is for you to learn something that you need to know in life.So they by you things like supplies for school and that way you can be prepared to learn and do your work. Parents are the once that prepare you to do different kinds of things. They get you shoes for gym and things like that.

I think that with out them we would not be nothing so we should thank our parents for all the hard work. Your parents will tell you the mistakes they made in life and what was the consequence and that way you could learn from them. I don’t think that no one better then that could ever teach you because your parents wont lie to you.The mistakes that your parents may have done you might learn form them.You make things in a better or different way by making things different from them.They wont let you fall for the same things that they did.I don’t think that no one else will want to guide you to the right direction.Parents will always be their for you no matter what and that is a good example to learn from.when you commit a mistake your parents will always be their for you to help you out and to fix that mistakes.
And if they want throw the same things you are on they will understand you and help you the most they can.Its like when you first start to eat by your self you make the mess but then your parents clean it up. But once your old you know that your responsible for what you did.Parents will always want the best for you.

Conclusion: Parents are the best teachers and I have three reasons why for example they teach you what is good and what is wrong. They also prepare you. And are always there for you and help you not to make the same mistakes as they did. I think that parents earn respect because it is not a easy job to do.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A skill every one needs

A skill that every one need is to know math like count, multiply, divide, add, and subtract basically the most basic things. With out math you would be lost out their noying that you have bills in your hand but not know how much their worth for. Or when you go to the store and they give you the wrong change. How would you know how much your suppose to get back? Or even if you work and the boss give you less money as your payment. Every one would think its fun to trick you because you don’t know math and you wont find a job very easily because mostly every thing needs to do with math but to go clean bathrooms.

What I mean by that you may have bills in your hand but not know how much their worth for is that like if you got three singles and to for five you wont know how much it is because you don’t know how to add. You just wont know if you have enough for the bus or train or to buy your lung because you don’t know exactly how much money you got in your pockets. I would feel embarrassed knowing that I have money but not how much and what can I do with them. People would think your stupid. Probably you will go to the store and take anything you want only with a dollar and it will be so embarrassing that you hold back the line just to count and make sure like 50 times.

Or if you go to the store and give a twenty dollar bill and it was only three and give you to dollars back you wont know how much It is. People will still from you and you wont complain about it or nothing. And probably the change that was yours they put it on their pockets and no one will no about it specially if their does little stores that have no cameras only few rows with things. And all you do is walk away thinking that you have the right change. And people will laugh at you for not knowing how to count money or things Imagine you give out 100 dollars just to buy a pack of gum they will charge you like 75 and give back 20. I wouldn't do that to nobody specially if there old and can burly even walk.

Even if you work and when it is pay day your boss give you less or at lest half of what he is suppose to pay you. He wont fire you because you get half less then other workers but work the same or twice more. That is mean because your salary wont be the same as others and your just getting ripped of with out you having any idea of what is going on. The worst thing will be if you cant get a job and only as a cashier but they don’t accepted you for not knowing math or in a bank counting money and then you wont have enough to pay the rent or to buy things that you need for your house like decoration or food for your lunch. And each time they will pay you less. And then they could kick you out of your house or you will be hungry.

These were my reason why knowing math is important to know how to do. They were because you wont know how much money you have or in the store they wont give you the right change and your boss may pay you less then what you are suppose to get pay for your salary. That is why I think people should know how to count and add every thing that has to do with math. Or at least carry a calculator with you to do the adding for you and that is only if you know your numbers. It is sad to know that as you walk in the streets people recognize you by knowing that they could ripe you of or that you don't know math and they take advantage of you and you would be their favorite costumer.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"The best day ever"

One of the best day ever was when me and my friends went to the movies. We had saw a scary 3d movie we had the glasses and eat popcorn, soda, candy, and nachos. We were full but we still had a good time. It was funny because when we got to the door they had rand out of glasses but we had good luck and they brought more. As we walked in we thought that there wouldn't be no one so then we turned around and it was full with only two rows in the very front left. Every one looked like bugs with the glasses. When we were walking to the seats Jasmin drooped almost have of the popcorn. We started laughing because we left the mess their and when we sat down she drooped it again and she dint even had the glasses on yet. Then Jessica was acting like if she dint see nothing when the things pooped out of the screen. We did crazy things specially Jasmin because she was testing during the movie. And my sister just keep ed jumping every time she got scared. It was embarrassing to me they interrupted the movie on purpose. When the movie was over we went to the bathroom and in a machine they sell candy and lip gloss. And we bought some candy but we wanted more and they cost 75 cents and i had no more change so we put 5 cents on the machine and it wouldn't twist. And I think we brooked it or at least it got stock and wouldn't let the money come out. Then we were taking pictures doing crazy things in the bathroom. During the movie when we were eating nachos so we put jalapenos and we raised to see who could of eat the most we were just goofing around. After all that we went to that place were theirs machines so you could play and you need tokens to play we were just their not letting people get on acting like if we were playing and people were in line and we had not even put a token and we keeped on letting each other cut while people were complaining. When we got to the house we were scared and keep ed telling each other things to get scared we all ran ed to the bed and were crowded. That day it was Omar birthday party so we called him to tell him happy birthday so as soon as we heard some one pick up we signed and said " we love you Omar" When we here the person that had a phone saying I love you to Omar we started to laugh because it was Jessica brother the on that we were talking to. So then we signed again but that time it was really Omar we made sure of that. That day it was me ,Blanca, Jasmin, Jessica and my sister. More people were going to come with us but they dint. So that was the best day ever because I was with the people I love and we had a great time together like friends. They all wanted to sleep over but there mom did not let them that was the only part we dint liked but other then that we had the best day ever. So my mom drooped them of in a car so they wouldn't go walking by them self and it was cold to go out and walk like that in the streets. So we when we drooped them of that was when the fun stooped. But we had a great time because we were all together that day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

her smile

When I looked at her smile I knew she was up to something. So then I went to the kitchen and saw her talking in a sneaky way but I couldent figure out what. Then I tried to look for more clues that were weird and suspicius. After that out of the no were she just raned out and came back with the same smile. I got worried I thought she was crazy. We went to sleep and the next day she was up really early when she usually wakes up late. I looked for her but she wasent their and her piggy bank that had lots of money was now empty. I didnt know what to do I said to myself " should I ask her what going on or shouldnt I?" But if I did I would let her know that she is beign suspicius and she will stop doing it and I wont find out whats really going on. But what worried me the most was that she kept going out and in with out telling me were she was going and she always asked me that if I could of go with her because she didnt liked to go out alone. And the money in her piggy bank was still not their she had run out with it but never came back with nothing I thought she probably let her friend borrow it. But wait her friends were out that week and were going to come back a day before my birthday so that was inposable. I told my mom what was going on she smiled the same way and gave my sister and envelope with the money that she had gotten from her check and told her "get what you need" and winked at her. Now I was really scared because every thing wasent normal. And I got mad bacuse my mom wouldent tell me nothing she told me"she is just a girl" I told her I know but she is my sister and im worried and that when she told me dont worrie she is probably just fooling around but I know she wasent because when I talked to her she would get really nervous like if she did some thing wrong and was scared for me to catch her. When she was going to bed I asked her what did you do i am not going to tell mom she just told me nothing and im sleppy so I left her alone and turned of her lights. When her friends came back I told her go visit them and asked them how it was sence she didnt went and she told me I dont have time for that. So I fuigured out that she was mad at her friends. But I was also sad because she did not had no more friends well atleast thats what I thought. I was also sad because the next day was my birthday and my sister was not going to feel good to spent the day together like every other year. So she told me today you have to go with our cusen and sleep over because tomorrow is your birthday and their going to take you shoping and out to eat as your birthday gift. I told her and what about you she stood quiet when mom said she is staying here with me dont worry I said well can I take her with me my sister said no because she dint felt good. This time I was really really scared because I thought that my mom dint wanted to worry me that she was going to take her to the hospital and that why she wanted to get ried of me. So the next day mom went to my room took me breakfest and told me to get ready and happy birth day. I asked her and my sister she is not going to come and tell me happy birthday she told me yea she will but right now she is reasting and she put a serius face, I told her mom what is wrong with her she stood quiet and looked down she told me go with your ants and cusen and ill explain you every thing when you come back I said ok. Even do I knew that this would be the worst birth day ever. 15 minues later I heard a car beaping mom scream there here I said I am coming. Then I opened my sister room and said bye she just smile and jumped out of bed took a shower and got ready then she raned to get her bike out will we were driving out of the garage. When I came back I thought I dint wanted to open the door I had a really bad feeling that what was my mom going to tell me would be a bad news. When I took a step foward I saw the light of and all the parking spaces were full but then one car I dint see was my mom so I thought their would be no on home but the door was open with no lock. Why would she live it open if she kows that I have the keys?. So I came in and said im home no one answered back then I here something fall I got scared I thought I was being hunted when I here "surprice" I turned back and their was alot of people that were hiding I was shoked and smile when my mom told me its all thanks to your sister. I saw her friends playing and got happy. But I still wondered why was my sister acting like that. When all the guest left my mom told me that every day she got up early to go buy stuff for the party and she sad that she tried to do it early so I wouldent see her when she came back with stuff. She aslo dint had no more money in the piggy bank because with that she bouth the decorations. And that every time I talked to her she got nervous that she was going to ruend the surprice party. And she was to bussy planing every thing calling people in a saneky way so I wouldent hear her then to be with her friends. I said that explains every thing and smile because it was the best birth day ever and all thanks to my sister and that was the best birth day present any one could of ever gaved me.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 things i whant to do in my life time

1, I want to go graduate 8th grade
2, I want togo to high school
3, Then I want to got to college
4, And be a nurse or pediatrition
5, I want to buy a car
6, Spend most of the time on party's
7, visit hawaii and got go to the beach
8, And see paris to
9, Be almost all the time with my friends and have fun
10, And work to spend all the money on myself
11,But before having kids I want to party
12, never be home always out in places
13, Help homeless people
14, buy a house
15, get married
16, save money
17, Get everything ready for a baby
18, When I know I have enough to afford a baby have 2 or 3
19, Travel with them
20, Take them to new places
21, Spend most of the time with my babys
22, Make sure my kids have a place to stay in like buy another house in another state
23, Take them to disney world
24, And as there older have enough to pay their college for their carrier
25, And go to Mexico