Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's baby, the sequel

What I think is going to happen next is that Armand is going to apologize to his wife now that he knows that he is the one that's dark and he had blamed it on her. But he is not going to tell her the raise of what he really is . I also think that he is not going to tell no one because since he is an important person and that may affect him since he is a very known person even do he is a jerk. At first I thought he was going to apologize to his workers and let them free but then he wont have no servants so basically he is going to just keep it to him self. Because then he wont be that great person he is known as. And he cares more on what people think of him and he just wants to be known as the great but he don't care how hard his workers work. Even do I wish he was like a normal man for example care about his family and not worry on how important he is. Aldo its impossible but he would probably change in time. I think Armand s going back for his wife now that he knows that its not her fault. And also for his kid because that baby boy carries his mom raises. He is know going to try to find out the real truth about his mom and probably that will change the way he looks at things for example slavery is one. He is going to compare his kid with the slave and he wont want that for his child so he might change. And be nice to all the people he has as working on slavery because he is the same like them and also his mom. And now that he found out the Truth about his real raise he is probably not going to like it.

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