Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The outcast of poker flat

If you had to blame some one or something for the outcast death's who/what would you blame & why?
-Uncle Billy
-citizen's or poker flat
-bad luck

If I had to blame some one or something I would blame uncle Billy. The reason why I would blame him is because he took the horses. If he had not taken them every one would of not had died. And he did not tell anyone were he was going. He probably left the other people worried since he rand away with the horse. I think Uncle Billy did survive. But that is mean because he just left with everything and he did not even tried to take some one with him he just wanted everything for himself. That is why I blame him I know that everything is not his fault but they probably would of got safe and not died. And if he did got safe then he would of probably came back for the others. At least he would of told some one were he was going for encase of something they new which way to find him or which way he went. This are my reasons why I blame uncle Billy for the death of other people and probably if it wasn't for him at least half of them would of being safe.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The story of an hour...

This story about a woman that her husband controlls her and one day she receives a news that her husband is dead she faked she was sad but she really wasn't. All she thought about was her freedom and how life would be with out her husband controlling her and telling her what to do. All do she sees her husband walk in and she gets a heart attacked every one thinks is of happiness but actually because she did not expected that. She was free at last and got her freedom but not the way she wanted for it to be. The way freedom is involve in this story is by a woman that wants to be like other out their as she watches every one out the window she cant wait to be like them and her husband dis not let her do anything. I did liked this story because it is interesting but what its sad about it is that she dies I did not expect that to happen and I did learned something from it and that is to enjoy life the way it is and not let no one control me so I wont end up like her.

The blind man...

This story is about an old blind man and it involves poor and rich. The way their involved involved in this story is by the old man being poor he goes around selling pencils for his living. As he walks in the street with hunger and thirst no one come out and help him and since he is blind he do not know were the shade is. Every one closes their windows as he walks by they lock their gates but then a very known person get rand over when they find out who it is every one comes out and and the old guy wonders why out of all those nosy people no one goes to help him they ignore the poor and and instead of helping him they help the rich. I do like this story but its sad how he is walking in his conditions with no help that makes me feel bad. What I learned about this story is that no matter if people are poor or rich we are all still the same and their is no difference and now I am going to help the people that really need it.

Desiree's baby...

The way that racism is in this story is because Desiree husband is raises against black people and he ends up not liking his son because he is dark and since the baby's mom was found he really don't know her culture and he thinks she is the one that is black he sends them of back with her mom when he finds a letter saying that he is black after that no one knows what happen. I really did liked this story but its mean how he trits his slaves. What I learned about this story is that it don't matter the color you and we are all still people and we deserves the same life because their not any difference on why or how to be treated.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heideggers's Experiment

My name is Dr. Heidegger and I am writing down the reactions on my experiment.
I gave the drink to the four people that I am doing my experiment on. I had test this on a speciall flower with a great meaning to me. Well they do look a little younger but they want more so I am going to give them more to see what happens. They all drinked another cup of it because their getting desperate to get younger. As their drinking more they are getting younger but theirs a big problem their all doing the same mistakes they did before and that is not helping them. One of the mistakes that cause me something was that their fighting over a girl and they brooked my water. There all going crazy and the worst thing is that i don't know what is going to happen next. They all like being younger but theirs and to me is just like a waist of time. I turned around and saw that the flower turn back the way it was and the bead thing is that their is not no more of that special water a few minutes later the people turned back the way they were and now their all going crazy to look younger that there even going to go look for some. What I learned about this experiment is that why go back if you are going to make the same mistakes just life your life like your supposed to and that's I good thing I did not drink ed that because if I did I would of probably end up like them.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's baby, the sequel

What I think is going to happen next is that Armand is going to apologize to his wife now that he knows that he is the one that's dark and he had blamed it on her. But he is not going to tell her the raise of what he really is . I also think that he is not going to tell no one because since he is an important person and that may affect him since he is a very known person even do he is a jerk. At first I thought he was going to apologize to his workers and let them free but then he wont have no servants so basically he is going to just keep it to him self. Because then he wont be that great person he is known as. And he cares more on what people think of him and he just wants to be known as the great but he don't care how hard his workers work. Even do I wish he was like a normal man for example care about his family and not worry on how important he is. Aldo its impossible but he would probably change in time. I think Armand s going back for his wife now that he knows that its not her fault. And also for his kid because that baby boy carries his mom raises. He is know going to try to find out the real truth about his mom and probably that will change the way he looks at things for example slavery is one. He is going to compare his kid with the slave and he wont want that for his child so he might change. And be nice to all the people he has as working on slavery because he is the same like them and also his mom. And now that he found out the Truth about his real raise he is probably not going to like it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you smarter would you do it , especially you know the effects of the surgery would be only temperately why or why not?

If I were given a chance to have an operation to become smarter I would not take that chance. I would rather be the way I am. Why would I get smart for a will when then its all going to get taken away? That would hurt me more noying that I go from smart to stupid. Either way I would probably already be use to it. If I were to take that chance after everything it would be a big hit and very surprising because I would be very sad that I wont be smart no more. I know that it would be very nice to be smart but whats the point even if your smart or you are not you still breath the same theirs not going to be a big difference but that you will get lower grades. And probably they will make fun of you but I would rather be who I really am and not what others want me to be. Another reason why I wont take that chance would be because I would be really scared that the operation comes out wrong and it affects me even more. I understand that being smart id a good thing because you pass your classes and you look like a genius. But not when its only for a while I could not imagine how sad it would be when you wake uo noying that your the same as before and all that time you were smart is now the pass and it was all like a dream.

If your smart you could do allot of things and they wont trick you with your change for example if you go to the store and they don't give you the correct change back you would know because yo could count it on your head. But if your not smart its really easy for them to trick you. It would be kind of weird if they you go to the store and count everything on your head and the person that charges you is amazed and that every time you he recognizes you but then you again and he doesn't know how much it is he would think your crazy. Because everything would be a big change in your life.This are my reasons why I would rather not take the chance on becoming smart.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The curious case of benjumin botton chapter 8-the end

In the story family was defined as something else or at least not the way that I think family should be. For example in the story family is known as embarrassment. That not really a good thing. Roger was embarrassed of his dad and made him say that was his uncle. That made Benjumin feel bad and was not happy. I think that he was sad because his own son was ashamed of him and to me that's not how family should be but this is how family is defined in the story. I understand that as he was getting younger his family wanted him to change but that was not his fault and they should of under stood him and accepted him for the way he was not the way they wanted him to be or look and act. I think every thing would of being different if he wasn't to be born the way he did. Every thing would of probably be normal.

Age is very important in this story. Benjumin was born old and died as a baby he was the opposite of what he had to be. But age is defined in the story as the younger you are the better you look and because of that Benjumin dad and son were embarrass of him. As Benjumin was younger he was looking better then he did when he looked older. They also did not let him to allot of things because the age he looked. The reason why they were embarrass was because when Benjumin was born he looked older then his dad but then he looked younger then his son. They made him say he was another person to not embarrass them. And it all had to do with his age. As he got younger he wanted to party even do he had a wife that was old but he was like a teenager.

The way beauty was involved in this story has to do some thing like with the age for example when Roger meet his wife she was beautiful but as she got old she got wrinkled and grayish hair and look ugly. He was embarrass of walking with her and going out with her but she looked way older then him and he saw that every thing that attacked her to him went away staring with her beauty. But that was not his fault that he was changing the way he felt about her but it was that he was getting younger and was tired of her just wanting to sleep all the time and watch tv but all her beauty whent away.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The curious case of benjumin button chapter 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7 predict three problems you think benjumin will encounter and give your solution?

If Benjumin is looking younger each year my prediction would be that he is going to end up looking like a baby and move with his parents sense he cant take care of himself.

Now that he left his wife for being old my prediction would be that he is going to find some one else younger when he goes out to party some were and fall in love again and even might get married.

Benjumin was born as old man and now that he is looking younger I predict that he is going to die when he is a baby is just like the opposite. That would be kind of sad because is like noying how much time you have left to live and if he gets a new wife the same thing would happen she is going to be old comparing to him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The curious case of benjumin botton in chapter 2

Roger is so overly concert with how benjumin looks is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

He should die his hair and say that its not his so he wont be embarrassed of walking with him. But he should offer 50000 dollars to who ever wants him and never return him back. Even do probably wont want him but that case he should drop him of in a old people hospital. That would help him to get ride of him. And that way he don't have to tell no one who is he and wont be embarrass to be with him. It must be horrible to have an old man as your child.

The curious case of benjumin botton chapter 1

What would you have done if you were roger button in chapter 1?

If I were to be Roger button I would to take the kid and loss him some were and people would think of his as a bum and no one will ever know it was mine. And if people ask me on the way on finding a place to drop him of that who is he I would say my grandpa. But if encase he says hes my kid I would say that he was at a crazy hospital and that is why he don't come to visit as much. I would loss him in another state far far away to never see him again. Because who would believe that an old man is a guy son no one because the kids are not older then the parents and it would be really weird to walk with an old man as your child. I would be really scared if they say that the old man is my child probably ill faint specially if he is ugly.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A true best friend

A true best friend….

Best friends are always their for each other
Even if we get into arguments
Sisters is what were more likely called
Together we always are
Friends well always be
Respect well always have
Incase were not together I will never for get our friend ship
Even if I am dead
Never ever forget that ill be with you till the end
Don’t matter if were far away our

Friend ship will never end
Or never will be erase
Replace you I cant
Even if I loose my head it was
Very nice meeting you
Even do we started of as friends and ended as sisters you will never be
Replace and that’s why I call you my best friend….