Friday, May 8, 2009

solving problems on the streets.

There is a serious problems on the streets that people don’t like for example living trash all over the park were kids go to have fun. And they could get sick.
When people leave trash in the parks parents get scared that with all that trash they might get sick because of the germs sense we don’t know were they have been.
And also broken bottles of beer and they could get cut with the glass.

Also some people leave needles and things that kids could get hurt with.
One solution that I think will work to make parks better is by every parent that takes their kids to that park should take a plastic bag with them and go around picking up the trash before their kids go out and play and they also should take a bottle of hand sanitizer so when their done playing.
A lot of people leave trash behind and they don’t even border to pick it up.
Kids could get the flu if they touch the thing that the other person
throw and specially if they were sick and had a cold.
Another way why this could make kids get sick is by them picking
up things that can be contaminated and put it on their mouths.
Alot of things have been touched by a lot kids and they may be so
dirty and it is discosting.
Parents should watch out on what kids touch because if not their kids are going to get sick of something and it may not be just the flu or a cold.
Also drunk people just go and throw their bottles of beer in the park.
When they throw it eventually breaks and when kids are and they fall a glass could get stuck to them.
They could get cut by it and get hurt. Or the glass may have any infection and if kids get cut by them then they could also get sick by that This is another thing to be careful on with your kids because if you don’t then that can be a bad consequence.
People that drug them selves with needles leave the needles after
Their done using them in the park and it could have any kind of desi
.If kids pock them self with them then they may get the same
Infection that the other person that use it had.
Some of them got serious problems and they may be sick of something really bad
When they leave the needle that have been used the kids can see them doing it and if they leave some in there the kids might want to do it and they can kill themselves with the drugs that are in there.
These can cause pain to your kids.
There are the serious problems on the streets when they leave trash and the kids touch it or put it on their mouth or even het cut with glass or needles. Every one should protect and watch their kids or do you want your kid to get sick because of other people?

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