Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and gretel

One day me and my brother Hansel were trying to go to sleep but our poor tummies hurted of hunger. My dad had not much to feed us it was only me my brother my dad and my step mother who lived in a little house close to the forest. As me and my brother were trying to go to sleep we hared my dad and step mother discussing something i knew it wasn't good to here their conversation and the best way not to it was to sleep but we just couldn't. I heard my dad say that what were they going to do with us because they did not had much to feed us my mean step mother said that they should aboden us in the forest and that way they would get ride of us. My dad did not agree with that at first but then he said OK I started to cry of fear when Hansel said he will find a way to be safe i did trusted him. He graved his little jacked and put pebbles on his pocket.

My step mother woke us up saying that we would go to the forest to cut some wood we knew what was happening. When we got their they told us to save the bread because later on we would not have non. So we did they started a fire and said they would come back very soon. Night came and they were not here. As soon as the moon riced we walked and fallowed the pebbles when we saw a little house it was my dads we were so happy because we made it so we knock on the door and their they saw us they were not so happy to say they put us to sleep. My step mother had woken us up and said that we would go to forest and cut some wood we knew what was going to happen but this time we did not had any more pebbles i made my bread into crumbs so we could get back home. When we tried to go back home the birds had eat the crumbs of bread.

Few days pass and I new that we would die of hunger. But we saw this beautiful white Bird sing very nice and we fallowed it as it flu away. We saw a house with sugar windows and allot of thing I eat the windows and my brother eat the roof when an old lady come out. She brought us in the house and feed us really good then we fell asleep in two soft comfortable beds. But she took my brother and locked him she made me cook for him and she told me that once he got fat she would kill him. I got scared and we lasted like that few days when she said it was time to cook him. We end up burning her and she did I was so happy because we were safe. But we still did not know our way back home. We had no way to cross there was no bridge and them we saw a duck which crossed us over as we keped on walking we saw my dads home we ran in and hugged my dad. My step mother had died and he was not a happy man. I knew that what my dad had done was not right but after all he was my dad and I would still love him and we lived together for ever....=]